

2022 is here and our main motto, in terms of our CSR policy, has remained: GO GREEN; we stand by our promise and we will not stop here. We will continue to invest in the community and at the same time encourage our partners and collaborators to follow this example. As in previous years, we have joined forces with local organizations that supports disadvantaged children and the environment, so our partners in this sector are growing in number.

As in previous years, we are collaborating with several non-governmental associations (NGOs), apolitical and non-profit organizations, which aim to support disadvantaged children, prevent school and family dropout and also support environmental issues. We hope that together we can stimulate and contribute to the implementation of the concept of sustainable development at the level of individual, community and organizations; little by little a lot is being done!

As we promised, in order to contribute to the increase of the forested area in the countries where we are present, we started with Romania. With the help of Viitor Plus, one of the sustainable development associations that we are working with, we started our campaign to plant trees in deforested areas. We believe that we are on the right track and we want to increase the number of seedlings already planted, from year to year. And last but not least, we have implemented in the company a series of procedures that support the second slogan we are guided by: REUSE, REDUCE, RECYCLE. Reducing the environmental impact of our activities by directly involving our employees was our ultimate goal: reducing the use of paper and plastic.

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